Breathwork & Meditation

Combine the power of breathwork and meditation to release what has been holding you back and step into your true self.

The body stores experiences, emotions and traumas. There is no one size fits all solution for people to integrate the learnings from these experiences and release what no longer serves them. Two modalities that have been the most valuable to me in practice and teaching are breathwork and mediation.

Breathwork and meditation will create a container for you to ground into the present moment and into your body. Breathwork can assist you and your mind with getting ready to drop into meditation. Your mind works constantly. It worries, thinks, plans, remembers, and loves. Meditation and breathwork are tools to make your mind take some rest. Meditation is about calming your mind AND expanding your ability to hear your intuition.

I will create a 60 minute container for you to expand, explore breakthroughs and leave you with a deep sense of calm. Through meditation, you will be able to access your subconscious mind, recognize a limitation you want to release and begin to rewire them.

Cost - 60 minute session- $125

What are breathwork & mediation?

They are methods that allow you to calm your conscious, thinking mind and create awareness, openness and acceptance.

  • Breathwork consists of a range of practices that can be used to bring clarity, relieve stress and anxiety, resolve trauma, deepen connection to our body and facilitate self-empowered healing.

  • Meditation is about training your awareness. It expands your ability to be present, to rest in the here and now and fully engage without judgment.

What should I expect during a session?

We will spend time in the beginning of the session getting clear on your intention and your goals and anything that feels important for you to share. We will have time to answer questions that may arise before moving into a breathwork practice, followed by a meditation practice guided by me. We will conclude with time for integration and discussion, including recommendations of exercises or tools to use on your own based on your schedule and goals.

What are some benefits of breathwork & meditation?

Science has proven that the benefits of breathwork and meditation are too good to ignore. The benefits are really too many to name them all. There is research to support that breathwork & meditation reduce anxiousness and lower blood pressure, increase your immunity and contribute to better sleep. I have found it has led to more clarity of thought, connection to my intuition, safety in my body and a feeling of control with my own healing and integration of lessons.

What should I expect after a session?

It can be uncomfortable, freeing, joyful, tearful, clarifying, loving, and so much more, but ultimately it is the experience of embodiment which can only be felt. It will differ for every individual. Your intention for the practice will guide the practice and its outcome.

Breathwork & meditation are never meant to take the place of medical/therapeutic care.

Breathwork & Meditation are great for those seeking to:

  • Reduce stress & anxiety

  • Gain a new perspective

  • Increase self-awareness & self-esteem

  • Increase imagination & creativity

  • Increase patience & tolerance

  • Increase focus & concentration

  • Boost their immune system

  • Sleep better

  • Improve tolerance for pain

  • Reduce symptoms of depression

  • Increase their capacity for love and kindness