Mind Body Spirit Releaseᵀᴹ

“We have learned that trauma is not just an event that took place some time in the past; it is the imprint left by that experience on mind, brain and body.” -Dr. Bessel A. van der Kolk, The Body Keeps the Score

The body stores experiences, emotions and traumas. It can feel like we are doing all the things- journaling, keeping a gratitude jar and shifting to a positive mindset - and still not see healing. This is often because something deeper that works in your subconscious mind is required.

Mind Body Spirit Release™ is designed to help you access and release cellular imprints from negative emotions, trauma, and negative experiences.  Our bodies remember every emotion, limiting belief, hormone, and neurotransmitter from events in our lives - even though it might not be something we are conscious of remembering.  Something as simple as a sight, sound or smell can trigger our bodies to react and go into survival mode, activating the Sympathetic Nervous System.  Since this occurs on a subconscious level, we have no control over it.

Because we have no control over these biochemical reactions, they can make us experience various physical and emotional symptoms. For example, an imprinted limiting belief that nothing good ever happens to (or for) you, you will create situations where you are subconsciously sabotaging your ability to to welcome good into your life (in love, work, friendships, health, etc.).  No amount of positive affirmations or gratitude can change this because we operate 95% of the time from our subconscious mind. To compound this even more, the conscious mind intuitively wants to prove the subconscious mind right, so it will only continue the cycle of your limiting belief.   

Cost- 75 minute session- $150

What is Mind Body Spirit Releaseᵀᴹ?

It is a method to help people recognize and release what is holding them back on an energetic plane from reaching their goals in life: 

  • A system to access emotional/mental/spiritual blocks and toxins, limiting beliefs, and the detrimental imprints of trauma and traumatic events imprinted in the subconscious mind and on the body.

  • A technique using cold laser/light on specific reflex points and meridians to open up the energetic flow in the body allowing the release of these toxins/imprints so that the body can heal more efficiently and effectively. 

How do I access these blocks?

As a trained and certified level 3 practitioner, I access this information by using muscle testing or applied kinesiology to tap into the subconscious mind through the nervous system. 

How do you clear these blocks?

Once we discover the blocks, we use a cold laser to stimulate certain acupuncture points, meridians and reflex points to eliminate the body’s stress reaction to the blocks and allow you to input healthy beliefs that support your goals.  Sessions can effectively be held in person or remotely.

What should I expect after a session?

Mind Body Spirit Release™ will differ a bit for every individual.   Many people immediately feel like a weight is lifted and are very relaxed and even a bit detached, while others also go through a detox of sorts as the body is finally able to release stored physical and emotional toxins.  This is normal and healthy and very short-lived. This technique is simple, effective and can literally change your life!

Mind Body Spirit Releaseᵀᴹ is never meant to diagnose, treat, cure or prescribe in any way and is never meant to take the place of medical/therapeutic care.

Client Testimonials

  • “I came into this work feeling so much situational anxiety. I’d been doing a lot of work on my own- journaling and meditating-but I think I was getting lost in trying too much. Even after just one session I felt so much lighter and it’s completely stayed that way as we’ve continued together.” -K.M.

  • “I swear things have been so much better with my supervisor since you did the dis-resonance clearing between us. I literally feel so much calmer at work. I have no anxiety going back this week.” - M.M.

  • “I realized after the clearing my deep breaths were not painful anymore. For the last year or so I have felt so much tightness in my chest. This week has proven to be very stressful and although I am still annoyed, it is faaarrrr less. Like, far less!” -T.S.

Mind Body Spirit Release™ is great for those seeking to:

  • Reduce the effects of stress and stressful triggers on the mind and body.

  • Release limiting emotional baggage.

  • Enhance spiritual growth.

  • Create and foster healthier relationships.

  • Develop healthier boundaries.

  • Move beyond addictions.

  • Become aware of and more in control of what behaviors are driving actions.

  • Develop a deeper sense of love and self-forgiveness.

  • Experience more physical and emotional balance.

  • Enhance cognitive clarity and speed.